

These are some of the works I made/involved with that I can only share.

Some are publicly available and some needed credentials to login further.


Description:Information system to store and view different farmer beneficiaries and their information

Technologies:Vue, Vuex, Vuetify, Firebase, Github


Description:A simple proof of concept text blaster using Semaphore as an SMS library

Technologies:React, Semaphore, Chakra UI


Description:A Climate Information System that generates bulletin with recommendation, given climate data, to be shared and sent to rice farmers

Technologies:NextJS, Material UI, Firebase, Node, Github Actions, Render, Semaphore


Description:A simple website for a church. Currently being updated

Technologies:NextJS, Material UI


Description:A simple website for easily calculating the pages to be read per session given the starting page. Built this back in 2022 and helped me read 29 books for that year.

Technologies:Vue, Vuetify